Ticker to Goal

Friday, 27 July 2012


For my 100th post, I am asking a really important question ... who knows how to change my settings so that the comments I make on other peoples blogs can be replied to. I have tried so many different settings since I realised I was a noreply@blogger person and nothing works. I reply to most of my comments and am fairly sure others must at times.

I have a comments sections of the settings and my address is entered there (correctly) but it also says
"You can enter up to ten email addresses, separated by commas. We will email these addresses when someone leaves a comment on your blog." but it is responses to my comments on other peoples blogs I am trying to fix.

Also did you know the Olympics are starting in less than 19 hours!! So excited. It only seems like 5 minutes ago when on 6th July 2005, the IOC announced London would hold the games and now they are here!!! EEEEEEEKKK! I can't wait to fill you in on all the exciting goings on. Go Team GB!!!!


adorkbl said...

You won't get an email when someone replies to your posts on another blog. Blogger doesn't support it. You would have to go back and check. As far as I know.

RockBand Barbie said...

Wish I knew to tell you how...I can comment from email, but I don't remember how I set it up.

I am way excited about the olympics!

Tina said...

Goodness didn't even know that kind of stuff was possible. I cannot believe I did not read the pube thing until now!!!!! too funny. It sounds rather like getting a tattoo...only subtraction instead of addition :) I have often thought about getting that sort of thing done on my legs or pits..but pubes...aiiii chiwowa...(no clue how to spell that but put it with a high pitched painful screechy sound in your head when you read it :)


Rhonda said...

I think you just have to go into My Profile and enter your e-mail address, but I could be wrong. Lemme know if that works!

Jules said...

I think you have to select the Subscribe by email, in the box you leave the comment in. Ultimately I think it's up to the blogger, because sometimes I see the box to receive followups, and sometimes I don't. :-/ Like your comment section has a check box that will allow me to receive follow-up comments :)