Ticker to Goal

Tuesday, 21 August 2012

Does theme parking count as a work out?

I certainly look the part right? And I get very hot and sweaty running around them all day.
I know I am eating much less than last year but it is a LOT. Too much. I have not been sticking to my 20 minute eating time but the goal of this holiday was to have fun and make special memories with my mummy. The diet can start again on Sunday when I get home.
In other news, I have been savaged by a vicious local creature. Although it feels like an alligator has taken a chunk out if my leg, first aid man thinks it was an ant! (cue any British readers rolling on the floor in hysterics) I feel like a total drama queen but the bite blistered badly and was about the size of a 50p!! They gave me anti biotic cream and anti itch cream and I am now spraying myself with insect repellent that smells like old man sweat. I can understand why they don't want to come near me. Ha ha. Xx


Rhonda said...


And bugs in Florida are no joke! Neither are the ones in Texas. Ugh, I hate it.

If you guys don't have them there, I'm on the next plane to England.

jennxaz said...

cute cute cute!!! I hate the bugs in FL

MandaPanda said...

Look at how skinny you are!! LOL@bug bite story. :)

Mari said...

Not killer ants!! Hope you're having a lovely time! Looking little! x

Leigh said...

Theme parking is most definitely a work out! I worked out for 7 hours myself yesterday;) You look great:)

Cheri said...

oh dear....I hope the spray doesn't ATTRACT smelly old men....endorphins or something....you'll have to let us know.

adorkbl said...

You look awesome girlie!!

Humble Beginnings said...

Holy cow, you look fantastic!! I love your shape! I'm very jealous hahaha

By the way. Whenever I read the title of this blog, the chorus to this song comes into my head:


Enjoy your vacation, make your memories - the diet will still be there on Sunday!

Michelle said...

Look how hott you are.... From your post above this one, forget that ex-boy.