Ticker to Goal

Saturday, 27 October 2012

Fickle little monsters ...

Never get me wrong, I LOVE my band but there are times when I want to throttle her.

Whenever I am with A2 I get really gurgle-y. He thinks it's funny. I get hideously embarrassed. I've tried to pass it off as my band when I eat but it doesn't do that any other time. It's just around him!!! I'm now wondering if its a banded equivalent of butterflies in my tummy. Any body else noticed something similar? It's not tight or gassy or anything just gurgle gurgle gurgle.

Lately I've also had a few reflux time incidents. Not badly but annoying. Woken me up twice and always HOURS after I went to bed. I've avoided eating for a while before bed which Catherine mentioned. (I love how we share these things) It's really helped. I ate late last night. A2 was supposed to be taking me for dinner but stuffed himself at the cinema watching Skyfall in the afternoon. (2 packets of popcorn, a hotdog and nachos!!) so there wasn't much point. I had a slice of cheese on toast WAY too late. I knew it would be bad. I woke up at 4 and took something and went back to bed. This morning when I got up at 9, nothing was going down. I felt rough and miserable. I made coffee. Yummy real stuff. I've been trying to cut down on that too since the reflux. 1 little sip, not even a mouthful and all my symptoms vanished. In seconds. Band sprang back open. Reflux feeling went. Vitamins went down a breeze. Now if only coffee sorted the embarrassing gurgle gurgle thing, I'd be onto a winner. Xx


Unknown said...

I am sure it is all worth it!

Momee3021 said...

I think its the heat not the coffee... I get like that and any warm beverage is the miracle I need to open me up. Now if it could help the constipation I would be in heaven. You look fantastic gurgling and all!

~Miss Lorie~ said...

Tried Miralax? Changed my banded experience. :)

~Miss Lorie~ said...

Heat helps my band as well! Only had minimal reflux when I was borderline too tight and would eat too late. Ick! Good luck.

Humble Beginnings said...

Yeah I agree, I think it's the heat that relaxes you and makes you less tight.

Hear you on the gurgling. My band likes to save the gurgling for quiet boardroom meetings. It doesn't make a peep all day long but during the meeting? Well, that's just it's moment to shine.

jennxaz said...

heat relaxes me and the gurgling sound...I get it, just depends on what I eat...bready things make the noise more.