Ticker to Goal

Thursday, 1 November 2012

Ten Things Thursday

Thank you Laura. I love the randomness Thursday's in blogland.

1) We don't really do Halloween over here; not for grown ups who aren't off drinking anyways. But since I am feeling left out of the costume photos, here is one of me in 2010 at a friend's 30th.

 Do you know who I am?

2)  I made that costume. From scratch. Myself! Yes I am fabulous. Thanks very much.

3) All my left over Halloween sweets went in the bin. I ate 3 yesterday, 3 today and that could have continued for a while. Don't get me wrong, I HATE throwing food out but I was giving it away and this way I don't have to eat it.

4) It's half term this week. One week of no school. I have had TONS to get caught up on. I have finally started organising my Pampered Chef paperwork and got around to clearing out my spare room which was full of all my stuff from my old school. Most of it is in the loft but at least I have a useable guest room again rather than a room fit for the Hoarders organisers to deal with.

5) I went for lunch with some of the girls I did teacher training with today. One has a new baby and the other has just got married. They are both such lovely people. Everyone needs more friends like them in their lives. I cannot remember how we got onto the subject of how much I have changed since we all first met but it prompted a big discussion. I ended up telling them the story of seeing the ex at the funeral and comparing the photos as that was the year they met me.

January 2005
October 2012
They think I look younger now ... 8 years later ... can you say NSV?!!!!

6) They were really interested in hearing about my blog and surgery and just how everything has changed so much in the last year. I let them read my bandiversary post. They both nearly cried. I promised them I would tell them the web address when I was at goal.

7) I also told them that even if they typed my name, primary teacher, lap band blog and Hertfordshire into google, it wouldn't find me. They would need to be a part of the lap band community because blogs don't just come up. I just tested it. It does. I'm result 2 onwards. Oops.

8) A2 is working too hard. I am off work. This does not make for a balance of texting. I am not happy. I may even be happy to go back to work next week so it doesn't feel like he hasn't texted me in  weeks when it has only been an hour or maybe 2.

9)  People who have noreply@blogger emails when I want to respond to their comment, suck! Go into settings and tick the share my email box. It allows people to email you back when you comment and say nice things to you. And while I am on the subject get rid of those really annoying prove you aren't a robot word/number insanities! They are HARD! Robots are clever. Probably more clever than me because I could barely cope with one word and now there are 2!!!

10)  Dive club tonight. I haven't been in forever. I hope they remember who I am.